Saturday, March 8, 2014

International Women's Day - a few thoughts

I feel there is so much more consciousness these days around the challenges that women and females  face around the world, especially females in developing and third world countries.

It is now internationally being questioned whether is it right for an 11 or 12 year old girl to be forced into womanhood and marriage, and what can be done for young girls whose health and lives are at great risk in having to give birth before their body is developed enough and is ready, and what can be done to protect girls and women from being gang-raped, as well as looking at legislation that allows men to beat and rape girls and their wives.  Much more is being questioned and challenged gradually bringing about a better life for girls and women around the world.

The right to education is being pushed internationally too. CEF has been working to enable impoverished girls to be educated and to receive some vocational training, a college or university education. I am very happy that 10 girls have now completed school, 2 have completed university, 2 completed college, and we have about 200 in school, college or university allowing them all now or in the future to have better lives with higher incomes. They are, and will be able to be meaningfully employed, enabling them to help support their families. These young women will be more respected and have more self-respect than those who have been deprived of an education.

On this day I reflect on all the amazing work that so many NGO's are doing around the world to help girls be able to be children, to be wives and mothers when ready and for women to be respected and treated fairly and as equals.

I am most grateful for all the people around the world helping this to be possible and to our board, donors, sponsors, partner organizations, staff, friends and family who help to improve the lives of the females we help in Vietnam.

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