This summer CEF ran the 9th Water Safety Day! This important life-saving day is a highlight for our children as it is by the sea, it's an enjoyable day of games and a movie, as well as having the opportunity to learn water safety theory, learn to swim and float. When students write about their summer many say what a wonderful day it was for them and the highlight of their holiday.
We are most grateful to Go Philanthropic for funding the event, as without that support it wouldn't be possible. Others who contributed to making it a success are the Swim Vietnam life guards and swimming teachers, our volunteers, our wonderful staff and also Le Belhamy for giving us generous reductions making this important day possible. Thank you all of you!
CEF students, teachers, volunteers and CEF staff (Photo by Linh Tran)
Games (Photo by Linh Tran)
Games (Photo by Linh Tran)
Learning to swim
Learning to float