Thursday, April 8, 2010

Phuc Le Visit April 2010

Phuc Le
Phuc Le is a small village in Thai Binh Province. Here nearly everyone farms or fishes, but in fish ponds. Most Vietnamese were either fishermen or farmers and still many are, but less as it is hard to make a living this way. It's an excellent means for providing your family with rice, vegetables and fish most years. Lean years are becoming more common with inflation, disease, flooding, typhoons and draught. Thai Binh province like many has seen more families struggling to survive.

We visit to make sure the educational sponsorship project is coming along well and to meet all the families and children face to face. One of my daughters went there for the second time to do a bi-annual assessment of the children we sponsor there. She went with a Vietnamese friend who has helped with assessments several times.

They visited families and checked on school reports, the child's health and the well being of the family and safety of their homes.

All was as well as can be expected, but once more we discovered that it is getting harder to survive. Considering how challenging it must be to find yourself becoming poorer they are a lovely and generally happy community that is grateful for all they have.

We have been notified of many more girls from Phuc Le and its surrounding hamlets in need of support to receive an education. If you are interested in supporting a child to receive an education please get in touch.

A calender will be available for 2010-2011. If you are interested please let us know. The photos will be Shanti's from this visit. To see her work some of her photos are included in this post.

With love and appreciation for the support we have from our sponsors. Linda


  1. Hi Linda
    It is great to use the blog to keep up to date with what s happening. I miss you all so much!! Use the tool just below the main picture to "invite your friends to follow the blog". This is the easiest way to let everyone know about it. In the dashboard part of the blog search for the otion were you can view the counter. This will let you know just how many people are looking at and following the blog. This will give you an indication of how popular the site is and how much it is growing over time.

    Love the work you do. Take care. Love Cheryl XX

  2. Hi Cheryl

    Thanks for your ongoing support and interest!I am glad you feel a desire to continue to support CEF. I hope you remember that this blog is only happening because you taught me how to do it! Love,
