Duyen is my left-hand here in Vietnam. She is a vital member of the Children's Education Foundation team. Well here in Vietnam the only permanent CEF workers are her and I. She is the only person in CEF who receives a salary. I feel very blessed to have someone so multi-talented and skilled to help CEF with its work.
Fortunately she also has a good heart, hopefully both physically as well as emotionally, which is what I am referring to. When we receive information on some children CEF has been requested to consider helping, she is very sad on reading their story and why they are requesting assistance with their education. When not looking after her own children or CEF's children she is doing other charity work. I am not sure how she fits it all in as she is raising and home educating her two young children as well. She helps CEF with official paperwork, translations and transcribing, reports, accounts, spreadsheets, arranges home visits and transport and helps create better systems and much, much more.
Well I do know how she does it; she is very organized, efficient and intelligent. She is a university graduate in IT with many skills, both life skills and business administration skills. Her CV included a long list of skills and these were just the first few:
Website builder and master of using ASP, MS Front page, Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Image Ready 7.0
Proficient in installation of computer software and hardware
Proficient in Microsoft Office applications - Word, Excel, PowerPoint
Graphics software skills - Adobe Photoshop
Conflict resolution and troubleshooting skills
Well developed research, data collation, analysis and report writing skill
Office & Business Administration Management
Financial Management - Bookkeeping and Accounting skills
Accurate data entry skills
Excellent document formatting skills
But what I have found unique is that she can initiate, inspire, take a lot of responsibility and is also hard working and trustworthy. These skills are not easily found locally. I still am discovering more of her abilities and good qualities. I feel I am blessed personally as well as CEF, to have her help us achieve our work.
I recently had good news that she is able to stay on one more year and am very pleased to be working alongside her for another year!
Love you, Linda my best friend.