I get asked what my life is like here in Vietnam and its simple really; I eat, sleep and do essential activities related to caring for animals, a home-office and a human body.
It depends on my CEF work and travel commitments but when I am not running a culinary tour here (only twice a year) or in the States or in Australia and when I don't have child and family interviews, home visits, or payment visits to make, my life is almost identical seven days a week.
Most days I get up about 5.30 and play with Zen, my Doberman-Rottweiler for a while, then I feed her and Karma my wild, stripped cat. Photos of them are included, as well as the garden and my views, plus a shot of Hoi An, my local town.
I then meditate (after feeding them so they don't play up and try to get my attention), then do some yoga or go for a walk with Zen.
I sweep through the house, empty the 3 dehumidifiers, water the lush green plants and eat breakfast.
Then I might skype or call family or friends, clean some mould off furniture, wash some damp-smelling clothes, or clean off some of the dirty patches on walls Zen has managed to make yet again. The climate is not very easy to live in with its long wet rainy season and humidity all year long, but it just becomes part of my daily life to deal with the mould and other effects of rain and humidity.
I start work around 8am and take a Vietnamese tea break and play with Zen mid- morning, then work until lunch time. I don't usually take much time off after eating.
I get back to work until I take another tea and play break in the afternoon.
I give Zen a shower once a week and on other days I might sit with her, just brush her and have a chat with her; it's rather one-sided but she shows interest as she tilts her head from side to side.
I work until dinner time and have another delicious Vietnamese vegetarian meal. The de-humidifiers usually need emptying again by now as the humidity is so high. 4-5 nights a week I work until I can't keep my eyes open (11'ish) but doing work I generally enjoy; blogs, facebook, emails. Sometimes I am trying to meet a deadline, which isn't fun, but satisfying when done!
To balance all the work I go out to eat with friends two or three nights a week
in town somewhere, and sometimes I read a good book before bed or watch a DVD. I mainly watch documentaries and true life stories. Sometimes I buy a good comedy as occasionally I need it as we meet many families in dire situations and the sadness I feel can get overwhelming. A good laugh is very nourishing.
It's a simple life, but a blessed life.
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