I am Hieu from Hoi An.
I have been working as a part time staff at CEF for about 1 year already.
Before working for CEF, I spent my free time hanging around or going to some coffee shops with my friends. I always wished that I could find a part time job or voluntary work to do with my free time. I did think of working freelance from home. However I don’t think that I suit this kind of work. All I want to do is something that I can utilize my accounting skill and work with vulnerable children as well as their families.
One day the director at my official working place introduced me to Ms Linda and asked if I wanted to work for CEF. I was so happy that I accepted the offer as it matched with what I longed for. It is so great to work for Linda and her great staff.
For the first few months, I worked on accounting only. In July 2012, I was offered a new chance and challenge which was managing about 20 children in Hoi An. The task was quite new to me. Although I have some experience with charity work however I have not worked directly with local people. I considered this as a new challenge for me to discover myself and also a great chance to devote for the poor.
It has gone well since then. Although now I am busy and have less time for my family and friends, I spent my time in a useful way.