We rarely take boys on as our work is to help girls have an education so that they will have a better future with more choices.
But we do take on up to 10% boys who are in dire situations. Two such boys are on this blog. Hoa the little boy in the first picture was due to start school last August, but because he didn't have a birth certificate, which costs money, he couldn't go. Nun Nhu Duc agreed to get him a birth certificate and put him in kindergarten for a year. The next school year starts in August this year and we would like to see him start school.
The first four photos give you some idea of the size of their home and the materials used to make it. Five people live in the little hut. Their kitchen is in one of the photos. Hoa is standing next to the kitchen. They cook outdoors under the open sky. Their bathroom is just a little in front of where Hoa is standing. It's also under the open sky. In the rainy season a river runs down the hill and through the hut.
Hoa is loved and cared for, but his father just can't earn much and his mother is still caring for the baby and can't work much.
The next three picture are of Binh or Bi as he is called and he lives with his aunt. His mother left her abusive and alcholic husband, but before leaving asked Binh's aunt, the sister of her husband to care for Binh. The aunt has lovingly looked after him with as much care as she can on her tiny income. His father lives nearby in a drunken and ill state as he is dying from alcohol related diseases even though he is only in his early thirties.
They live in two small, dark, damp rooms. They do have an indoor toilet.
We would love to find sponsors for each of these boys so they may have an education and have better lives than their folk. If you or any friends can help please get in touch:
cef.vn.usa@gmail.com (Americans and Canadians)
c.e.f.vietnam@gmail.com (Australians and others)
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