Monday, April 9, 2018

About a CEF university student ~ Guest blog by Graeme, CEF's Australia manager (in Vietnam at present)

T is in her second year at university studying IT. This year has been a struggle for her because she contracted dengue fever and was still suffering from headaches when I met her a few weeks ago. She works as a volunteer in a blood donation organisation and it was when she tried to give blood that she discovered she had dengue. Her parents are too poor to contribute to her university costs and her  brother and cousin borrowed the money needed for her treatment. Despite her ordeal she was bright and cheerful and keen to resume the English course she had to give up because of her illness. All university students in Viet Nam are now required to attain a TOEIC certificate of English competence before they graduate and she told me she wanted to complete this as soon as possible so she has more time for the essentials of her course in years 3 and 4. Without the generous help of her sponsor, Brian, T would not be at university.

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